The Best Bite in BBQ

1. Begin by trimming the brisket. Most importantly: remove the deckle, any silver skin, rough edges and allow for only a ¼ inch of fat on the top side of the brisket. (There are many video on YouTube that can help you with this process)

2. Generously season the meat side of the brisket, make sure to get an even coating with no visible patches of meat. Pat in the seasoning, DO NOT RUB. Once the first side is fully seasoned let rest for 15-30 minutes before seasoning the fat side, this allows the salt to penetrate into the meat. Flip the Brisket and repeat with the fat side. Don’t Forget the Sides, rookie move (optional leave uncovered in the fridge for up to 48hrs)

3. Place directly onto a 225°F smoker and cook until a dark bark has formed or the internal temperature reaches around 170-180℉. This should take around 4-8 hours depending on the size of the brisket

4. Remove from the smoker and place onto a piece of heavy duty tin foil. Fold the edges of tin foil outward, but also towards the brisket creating a tin foil boat. @chudsbbq Place back onto the smoker and cook until internal temperatures reach 202℉ (Around 2 hours)

5. Once the brisket has reached its final temperature, remove from the smoker and let rest for 20-30 minutes

6. Place in a 140℉ oven overnight or for up to 48 hours. The longer your rest the more tender it will be

7. To slice the brisket, cut in half near where the two muscle, the point and flat, meet. Slice the flat along the same cute you just made. For the point rotate the meat 90° and cut off the rounded edge, this first slice is called, The Burnt End and is considered The Best Bight in BBQ, covet that piece and share with your friends. With the rest of the point slice thick and then into cubes to enjoy on your sandwich or in small bites


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